Monday, May 19, 2008

Triond is Making Money for Me!!!

I have written a post about Triond few weeks ago and I wrote about the features and functions of Triond. If you haven't read about it, you can read about "How You Can Make Money From Triond by Sharing Your Stories".

Few days ago, I had submitted an article to Triond and I the article got accepted by Triond. Today, I went to my Triond account and check the performance of my article. I am surprise that my article is making money for me when people are viewing my article.

My article is about "5 Ways to Get Referrals" and the performance is quite good because the article get 4 views and 1 member like it. Maybe I will submit more articles to Triond and try whether the site really can make more money.

My articles at Triond:
1)Seven Websites to Write Reviews and Make Money Online

2)Five Simple Ways to Get Referrals Easily

3)Get Thousands of Visitors Using Cheaper Advertising

4)Five Ways to Make Money Online

You can read about my Triond Review to learn more about Triond.

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