Wednesday, May 7, 2008

List of InText PPC Advertisements

A list of the Top 5 In Text PPC Ads for Publishers (Bloggers and Webmasters). By using InText Ads you can even monetize the words in your posts. Another great income source from your blog. Click on the "Read more..." and you can see the full post, it will be very helpful if you want to make more money online.

1. LinkWords
LinkWords is another InText PPC that is used by Bloggers and Webmasters. This service is not very popular because a lot of people are confused with the system becasue the site is quite complicated. BUT, LinkWords paya Great money per click, usually USD$0.25 per click. This site is very good to make money. Besides offering InText Ads service, LinkWorth also offers PaidPost service, TextLinkAds service and a lot more. It is an All-in-One site.

2. Kontera ContentLinks
Kontera is one of the popular InText PPC or ContentLinks site for Publishers. Kontera is used by many Bloggers and Webmasters to make money from their blogs/sites. The implementation is simple and the ads will show up automatically when the keywords on the blog/site suit the ads database of Kontera.Kontera InText Ads are usually irrelevant which makes it hard to get clicks and make money.

VibrantMedia is a very special and unique site offering InText PPC ads but their ads content videos. This makes the ads very interactive and attractive. It is very good to get your visitors stay and watch the videos. Hopefully they click on it, if not, you will not make any money. This site offers a huge list of categories fro you to choose from. This site is a great site and it is used by a lot of high traffic site and famous blogs/websites.

MediaText is a site I found this morning. The site looks very good and it works better than Kontera. The InText Ads look very good and it has pictures of the Ads. It look very good and attractive. If I'm a visitors visiting a site and hover over such Ads, I will surely attracted to click on it. Media Link might be very good to make money. The bad news is, you need to get their approval and this means you need to have a HUGE traffic blog/site before you will be approved. Currently, I'm still waiting for approval.

5. AdBrite
AdBrite also offers InText Ads. But, remember that AdBrite has strict Rules and if you break their rules, you can even use their services. Personally, I'm not too sure about AdBrite InText PPC Ads. From my personally experience using AdBrite, it seems that it is very hard to make even 1 cent from AdBrite.

Personally, I prefer using LinkWords because it pays me high revenue per click and it is very easy to get approval from LinkWorth. I hope my blog will be apporved by MediaText so that I can try out their service. Currently, LinkWords are sitll the Best for me. If you want to use LinkWords on your site, you need to sign up for the LinkWorth account and submit your blog to LinkWorth.

***If you are having problems using LinkWorth, you can ask me by leaving commnets in my blog. I would love to help.

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