Wednesday, April 20, 2011

How to Hire In-House SEO

For many companies hiring SEO is steeped in fear of information, and do not know, I do not know. The world to find that there are many efforts more time consuming and costly than the employment of full-time workers in the head. The scope of talent is far in search of the world. There are so many talented people and others with knowledge and skills necessary for this purpose is missing.

There are two main reasons for this disparity astronomical talent in the industry:

* the research is not regulated in the industry.
* The procedure for the recruitment of SEO is largely unexplored.

Here's a guide to the four steps to a good SEO. Marketing Manager: control of a furnished apartment!

1: Get Strategy Office

Despite appearances, many organizations that are often associated with internal staff (or firms planning to move home) and I'm happy to be away from the controls and strategies for asking questions. Once the best strategy for the search process requires that the important tasks and realistic (time base), to understand its objectives. This aims to offer wide-ranging as a guide to determine usage. If you do not have the budget of the entire strategy, or may be hired to review the Agency's website. It is not so deep, but at a high level of understanding of their needs.

2: Gather your talent

Ask for recommendations, based on advice from the relevant employment and weeds around the seat of Try setting at least five candidates to gain work experience.

3: Interview test

There are five basic skills of effective SEO consultant. Failure to answer the following questions aloud, Yes! If the game is not.

    1. The consultants have a solid understanding of the factors affecting the site? The code is clean, simple and rich? The key words are used appropriately? Ability to analyze, understand, and rapid changes in the basic search page.

        * Ask: What are the five most important factors in on-page optimization?

        * Ask: What are some on-page activities that are considered black hat by Google?

        * Ask: What is cross-domain canonicalization?

        * Test: Take your laptop with the candidates for Notepad to open it (without an Internet connection!). Ask for references to the page with the code zero and 2-3 keywords for optimization. This test provides a good knowledge of SEO programming skills, the ability to perform tasks quickly and efficiently, and to seek common understanding of key factors on the side. At least, talk to the meta-data to write.

    2. Does the consultant have a strong understanding of off-page factors?

        * Ask: What are the most important off-page ranking factors?

        * Ask: Can you discuss previous link building efforts and results in terms of traffics/rankings/and revenue?

        * Test: This is an excellent opportunity to study candidate case. For example, the X-domain is to increase the classification, key words, bears. Based on the demographic structure, competitive environment and society, can make two fifty-building strategies and campaigns on the link (I use the term loosely). SEO candidate can really show its value when it is able to generate an ROI model.

    3. The consultants have a strong conceptual understanding of business channels, such as the conversion of Social Media Optimization?

        * Ask: How do you see SEO and social media interacting in the next five years?

        * Test: View Landing Page PPC candidate and ask him about five different ways to improve the list of exchange rates.

    4. Does the consultant have reasonably strong analytics skills?

        * Ask: Do you have the capacity to correlate revenue to search traffic?

        * Ask: How would you measure rankings?

        * Test: Providing access to candidates for analysis. Ask a consultant to determine the segment motion of non-branded terms and keywords work.

    5. Does the candidate have the ability to perform market/keyword research?

        * Ask: Describe your process for conducting competitive research. What tools (if any) do you use?

        * Ask: What is the most important step we need to take to catch up to competitor X?

        * Test: Send your nominations of the five most important words and ask for a list of words more competitive and less competitive we think the transformation of the highest scores.

4: Time for the Holidays

If after the third step, you should decide to enormous amounts of data. Among the information that the agency and ask them to respond (I recommend removing the names of candidates) elected. The Agency should be able to quickly assess and recommend responses or red flags. In addition, the Agency could probably point to the gaps through training after recruitment to fill.

Final Takeaways

Good SEO'm still rated the opportunity to demonstrate their skills, do not be afraid to ask questions like that. I invite you or a trusted third party in the place of transfer, such as cutting, to help specific business objectives identified. Remember to test, as well as give an idea of ​​expertise. Make sure that the qualifications and references to verify the performance history to reach to avoid risk.

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