Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Improve safety Bit Facebook account required

Facebook has a number of security enhancements to better protect user privacy. These improvements in the days after Sophos has published an open letter asking for your hand to improve security. In any case, Sophos, can not remember the tech news of the world, is not impressed.

Not that contact quickly renewed their contract due to Sophos - as I said in my blog, these tools were used during the presidency of Obama in the White House Conference on prevention of sexual harassment last month.

I'm on Facebook, look for changes in order - before the race that Sophos is very difficult - if not enough.

Security Upgrades

For starters, Facebook Family Safety Center, estimated depth of planting, articles for parents and young people, a video security and confidentiality, and other resources. It will soon be discovered, there are teachers without a guide, written by security expert Linda Phillips Fogg BJ Fogg and Derek Baird.

Facebook also announced a new social reach more customers with live chat - free white paper reporting that the people of his community members to report unsafe or elements can not be done. This tool can be used for profiles and pages and sections of the group. And 'the introduction of two-factor authentication, modified to protect against unauthorized access. When this feature is enabled, the code is available at any time Facebook user, the attempt to create a new hardware.

Facebook is also strengthening its HTTPS security options for the application is ready for non-members instead of the HTTPS session is automatically sent to HTTPS. Sophos has improved since the missing information, which is understandable from their point of view: Facebook does not even have contact with the chief complaint of society: most people are unaware that the option for HTTPS.

Sophos said that they are enabled by default. Sophos has also requested that the contact is to exchange information without the express consent of the user and not to assume that when a new feature that users want in an automatic way. He also said that only tested and proven third-party developers to publish applications on Facebook Platform.

registered in more than one million developers already in the applications of Facebook platform is not surprising that their work is full of fraud and malicious viruses, said in his open letter. Easy hard drive in question is not Sophos said the complexity of the privacy controls on Facebook. The site contains a detailed analysis of the main after a protest about your privacy.

Sure, still a very complex system - the assessment of 'error in progress. Facebook notifications sent messages to many users who choose not to receive them. The event is a disturbing question: if Facebook can also be the wrong button on user preferences, many consumers fist? A look at the end of the medium is the conditio sine qua non for any safety initiatives, in particular part, which is used as Facebook, said Eloqua and Security Chief Privacy Officer Dennis Dayman.

The end user is usually not smart enough - or should - such as training of security and privacy of Facebook users in a variety of means of control, he said, the News of the tech world. ; Many Facebook users are young upstart who wants to share his life with friends and give it a half step, because with the system. This attempt to protect the consumer does not need to order online, and many other SaaS products when it comes to settings for end users, waiting Dayman the norm.

In principle, users should be aware that the introduction of HTTPS - HTTPS or for that matter - and how it works and what impact that has on them. ; To make matters worse, in my opinion, it's just a matter of plaster on the problem that remains faithful to determine when not deployed Growth is ppropriate control, protection of privacy;

It 'nice to see, Facebook gives users more security checks, authorized Dayman. However, deletion of the account - that is a priority for improvement - there is no security problem for Facebook. ; In many cases, last year, the big question is how the data of users of Facebook, its partners and other third parties is used - either by agreement with or without the consent, he said.

It 'important that the standards of privacy protection for the average user is Facebook because it usually requires a lot of privacy. It 'also important to make sure he wants to Facebook users in the first case, Dayman, privacy settings without your knowledge.

What do I have for lunch

In addition, the security sector to take on Facebook and what it offers in perspective, said Robert Siciliano, president of, news from the world of technology. Facebook is not a bank. It 's a place where people ate, reflect tuna for dinner. Security issues facing Facebook valid, he said, suggesting that many users as fundamentalist in their approach to privacy protection.

While security and privacy of Facebook can not be different standards, in which users work, says Siciliano. I do not see a mass exodus caused by the worm goes to the site.

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