Monday, April 18, 2011

Microsoft launches Photosynth, which immediately created for Virtual Earth Virtual Panorama

Bing and Google have a long way to go to Mapquest. Well, we do not see on standard road maps of the boundary lines, streets and rolling countryside. Instead, use satellite images, zoom from place to bird in the house of a neighbor, and we can also Street View, where we have a virtual world through the lens onto the sidewalk zero.

Today, the virtual world of Microsoft a little 'more at home with Photosynth, a free application for iPhone, iPod Touch 2 and 360-degree view of consumers, the world around you, and invite virtual images of Virtual Earth. The idea for the next level of the road, where users can not only walk the streets of cities and municipalities to create, but also to buildings and restaurants.

Imagine, for example, visit the Museum of Flight in Seattle. Just run for the iPhone and Photosynth start saving the environment. The application will take pictures as it is now time to create high-resolution panoramas that can be enlarged, stretched or torn in the area. Then the user can select a 3D environment Bing, who publishes a letter for adoption.

<a href="" target="_new" title="Microsoft Photosynth App &#8211; April 2011">Video: Microsoft Photosynth App &#8211; April 2011</a>

Review of applications for smartphones now available, but most of the slow and expensive and does not offer integration with Bing. In addition, the views of a free program from Microsoft and points in a few seconds, you can also swim in a place more than ever Bing. We can address the local view of their activities to create more than minor. Imagine being able to be here? He said Stefan Weitz, director of the Bing. : We have millions of people with the possibility of the device, where literally the world map.

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