Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Monitoring of files on the iPhone

Apple has faced questions Wednesday about the safety iPhone IPAD and noted that the unit on a regular basis to record their location in a hidden file. The report was of Technology Conference in San Francisco, where two developers presented studies show that the version for iPhone 3G users IPAD started the registration of sites, when Apple's mobile operating system updates.

After updating the client software, a new cookie began to periodically save the data collected by location, it seems, backs and nearby Wi-Fi, with the passage of time. Data is stored on the phone or in person IPAD, but when the device is synchronized with your computer, the file is copied to the hard drive, says the developer.

The data is not encrypted, but users can encrypt data to synchronize your device, but a few. Some privacy advocates, data storage is clearly upset. , The mysterious collection of location data through the line, said Marc Rotenberg, director of the Electronic Privacy Information Center, privacy think tank in Washington. But Apple should know better than iPhone users follow this road. Others argue that the discovery of hidden files that may have particular impact on privacy and safety.

Is more symbolic than anything else, said Tim O'Reilly, an expert in the field of technology in the long and founder of O'Reilly Media. , Is a sign of how individuals to gather information about the company and perhaps share with others. This is the future. . We need to understand how law enforcement is able to provide location information of mobile phone company to manage the show, O'Reilly said, but they are not in conflict with the decisions of federal courts if they need a warrant.

But sitting at home computer, data can be vulnerable to hackers or others to access, he said. And the information at different times in the future can be seen as an outsider or by phone is lost or IPAD, if attacked by malware. The message seemed to be a security issue directly over the Internet as a blogger and tech-centric sites that Apple has addressed a number of unanswered questions left by bouncing the report.

It is not clear whether access to information from Apple at all. E 'is also unclear how accurate the location data and because it is always saved. The creators said they asked the security team of Apple products on their results, but there is no answer. Apple did not respond to requests for comment from the New York Times.

The report is aware of politicians such as Senator Al Franken, a Democrat of Minnesota, where the headquarters of Apple, Steven P. Jobs sent a letter asking why Apple has secretly compiling data, and are no longer what it was. Some experts said that the issue is legal or not that information is recorded, but if Apple is fair with their customers.

Collecting data is not illegal, but it is important to establish with clarity in terms of magic, Apple says Christina Gagnier, a lawyer specializing in privacy and copyright. But Apple is changing its policy statement, and it is doubtful that most people know what happened.

Apple's commitment to its customers so that they can not be pursued, says Ian Glazer director at Gartner Research in the history of groups of intimacy and identity. ; There's no real way for the runway, he said. , Must be visually clear if the settings to see what is happening on the phone. Alasdair Allan and Pete Warden Paper presented at the O'Reilly conference for 2.0, meetings of experts on technologies for the site.

Allan said in a blog, the question regarding the storage of information, such as Apple wants to use -. O no, Mr Allan, a book to teach people how to program written, also said that the new product will be charged when customers buy new phones or IPAD, and then synchronize the flow.

See Lord Warden, a former Apple employee, on his website to download a free program for Mac that allows you to embed location information. What is the impact on privacy rash bad publicity for Apple has confirmed the results on profits celebrities.

No matter what Apple says that its production is right that consumers want their phones very big problem, said Chenxi Wang, vice president of Forrester Research, a company specializing in security and risk management.

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