Monday, April 18, 2011

Multimedia Center: record player and home theater systems on the PC

The age of analog music media is long gone. The record , the 100-year record was used almost as a standard, has long since lost their meaning. Today define digital storage media such as CD, DVD and Blu Ray the music market. Music is also long since traded decoupled from storage devices such as MP3 file. But many music fans still have hundreds of records in their collection, they can unfortunately only play traditional board game.

Many bear the thought is why her old record collection to digitize. For such purposes are USB turntable designed and perform in conjunction with their own PC service.

USB turntable for use on PC

If you want to digitize his music collection, you can of course also their own "normal" turntable try. Here, the output of the turntable to the line is connected in input of the soundcard on the PC. The problem is that supply conventional turntable has a very low non-amplified electric signal, which are still conducted through a preamplifier special needs. The direct connection between the PC and no preamp turntable therefore provides only a high-low-valued result.

USB turntable, however, can directly connected to the USB port of your PC is connected. The electrical signals are in the USB turntable has accordingly prepared and digitized. With, generally included, recording software made it very good and high quality results. Saving the analogue record as MP3 is so easy. Often, the software also provides options to perform digital processing of the recording. Crackling or other sound errors can be reduced with it.

The digitization with a USB turntable so nothing should impede the. Only enough time do you need, because every record is of course 1 to 1 is played in full length and must be included.

Home theater systems for use on PC

Who wants an exclusive sound experience not only for films but also, for example games and music, has now the possibility of connecting his home theater system on the computer. In the following text are some basic tips and tricks on how to avoid a bad buy.

For those who only put value on a particularly good sound, the touch of a home cinema, which includes a control unit, 2-way speakers, a subwoofer and a cable for up to 300 watts. For such a, more or less standard system, the price is between 450 and 500 euros.

A plant of the upper class can be achieved even by slight changes in the system. Here again, the customer needs a control unit, 2-way speakers, a subwoofer and a cable. The cable should, however, can use in this case 500 watts. An area of ​​30 square meters would be to use with this system. For such a system is priced at 718 to 790 $.

For those customers where important sound is not only a good produce, but also design to obtain a chic are home theater systems consisting of a decoder or a controller, a stereo - compact speakers, a subwoofer and a cable which has a capacity of can achieve up to 400 watts. Such a design system would cost the customer about 933 to 1 005 $.

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