Thursday, April 14, 2011

Pagerank down, why & how to overcome them.

finally a chance to write again on the web this blog, after a lot of events and activity throughout the year. I start with a little disappointed, eh .. suddenly check pagerank kok ilang one. gone where?

ngobrolin deh first mild light, why the hell could go down pagerank? instead of all this may have been diligently update the status, the article eh?

eiits, it turns out we forgot one thing, the most important. about backlinks. with the longer abandon your blog website, it means that in the period that has been forgotten rituals blog walking, tips SEO tips, & pd websites dofollow backlinks grow. nah lo ..

plus it possible to use the auto approve / submit comments to comments received, and making more and more links than the incoming vote out. lost deh point for point us in the eyes of google, which led to a decline pagerank.

gapapa, pr can be searched anyway, do not worry ..:)

when we did not get to / have time to blog, maybe there are a few tips to keep your PR tetep safe. always keep the comments received, approve comments that are relevant to your article. but Balance with search backlinks. or just approve all the comments entered (auto), but it is right to give back link your hands ..  dofollow for comment cation quality. and contrary to the comment just for fun. or for the time being, the blog gives a chance nofollow only. up to you.

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