Monday, April 18, 2011

TweetDeck continue to play on the internet

In early February we had a discussion with the management of media networks to get access to land, Bill Gross means by which control almost 20% of all reported tweet served. Shortly after he left Twitter, and then three more in multimedia applications (Twidroyd, more power and social) for violating policy, STD.

The Wall Street Journal reports that on Twitter and paths have crossed again and update the status of Media Giant is also in negotiations with API, about 50 million U.S. dollars for the customer Twitter. The announcement that the media Uber API ranged from $ 25 - $ 30 million.

This step (and offers more than 20 million dollars) While it is true, it seems, is the defense of Twitter, especially taking into account a report by CNN, which has big plans for the construction of its competitors on Twitter.

Media currently has about 21 million U.S. dollars to 360 million dollars in financing Twitter. I got in touch with all parties concerned, including the founder Iain Dodsworth TweetDeck more information and to update this post when something useful answer.

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