Sunday, July 8, 2007

AdSense Traffic: Turn Your Visitors into Readers

Do you recognize the orange colored icon on the left? It is the Feed Icon. Feed your visitors, change your visitors to become your readers.

From my previous post about "Digg The AdSense Traffic", I talked about change your blog's visitors into readers. Readership is important. When you have more readers, you are getting feedbacks from your readers to improve your blog. Feedbacks of your readers are the key factors to make you blog better and help you get a better idea what visitors are looking for in your blog.

Change your visitors into your readers is not an easy task. You need to give correct information in your blog and you need to know what your visitors like to read about.

Before you can get readers, some steps are needed to get readers for your blog.

Step #1:
Sign Up for a Feed account. You can Sign Up for Feedburner or Feedblitz. These two are popular feed to enable visitors to "Subscribe" to your blog.

Step #2:
Generate the "Subscribe Me!" code in the Feed sites. Then, paste it to your blog.

Step #3:
Build up popularity of your blog. You need at least 100 posts to get started. Join online communities like My BlogLog. Build up good relationship with your visitors and members in the
communities. You will soon be able to get readers.

Step #4:
Create good and attractive posts. You need to create a lot of informative and good posts so that you can attract visitors and "Subscribe" to be your readers.

Step #5:
Get more traffic. Getting traffic can help you to get more visitors and thus you might get more readers too.

New updates daily. You need to update your blog daily to inform your readers about new topics or posts.

Boost Your Traffic, Increase Your Readership. More AdSense Money For You!

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