Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Search Engines Optimization (Part 3)

In this post, I will discuss more tips about Search Engines Optimization.

Getting to the top of the search engines results list is a very useful way to get traffic but before you get to the top, you need several Search Engines Optimization techniques to help your site get to the top.

Let's make it simple for you, I make a simple list with 10 ways of optimization you can do to your site for Search Engines Optimization.

1. Title of Your Site:
Naming your site is very simple. You can simply use a word or short sentence to name your site. Most of us never really realize that the "Name" of the site is important to help your site get listed at the top of the list of Search Engines Results. The thing you need to do is to create a good name for your site to get to the top of the list.

How Good is Good? What Name is Good?
The answer is simple. Use words that describe your site best.

If your site is about "Blogging" then you can try words like "Blogopedia". Search for the word "Blogopedia" using Google Search. If the results appear to be millions then find for other words. ***Try to search for the word "Blogopedia" using Google now. Check the results
I search for it and the result is "178,000" sites have such word.

So, if you create a site using this word "Blogopedia", then your site maybe listed in the middle of the search result. If you optimized your site with contents and frequently update it, then you can climb very fast to the top.

***Important: Do not use words that are too general like words that already existed in our dictionary. Create your own words.

Why do you need to create new words?
Remember the words like "Yahoo", "Google" and "MSN"? What is their meaning? The meaning is very hard to define and before their existence, they are not in the dictionary. During those days, when you search for these words in search engines, they are not there.

Now, try to search for them in search engines, they are everywhere and they are at the top of the result list.

In short, new words can help you to get to the top of search engines very fast.

2. URL of your site:
The URL of your site is also very important. Use new words that you create. Repeat steps in step 1 above. This is a good way to help your site to get to the top.

Words like Gizmodo and Engadget are also new words but they show clear meaning and clear idea about their sites. Think a good name for your site fr higher ranking in search engines.

3. Using Tags:
Make use of HTML tags in your site. You can use bold, italic, emphasis and underline in your contents. This will further optimized your site.

Remember: Use those tags for certain important keywords in your site.

For example, if your site is about "Cars". Then, you can make brand of cars bold and so on. This enable better indexing of the search engines bot and can help to get better ranking too.

***More techniques will be reviewed in my coming posts. Stay tune!

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