Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Do It Yourself Advertisements (DIYA)

What is Do It Yourself Advertisements (DIYA)? This is a simple name I give to my simple advertising method that I use for my blog.Do It Yourself Advertisements is very simple. Do you have a car? Or Do you have name cards?

1) Your Car as the Advertising Media:
If you have a car, then you can use them to the fullest. Just add your blog's URL with some simple descriptions and display it on your car. You do not need to spay the words, use stickers. So, next time when you are stuck in traffic jam, tell yourself,

"Be happy!!! I'm promoting my blog all the drivers around me!".

Make it simple. People might be able to notice it and pay a visit to your blog.

2) Your Name cards:
Put your blog's URL and short descriptions in your name cards. So, when you exchange name cards with others, they will notice that you have a blog. You can get some traffic too.

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