Sunday, July 15, 2007

Search Engines Optimization (Part 1)

Search engines optimization is a very important part to get more traffic to your site. Search engines optimization is often called SEO. SEO is the way to get your site listed in the search engines and this is a very effective way to get traffic very fast for your site.

SEO can get your site listed but if you can't get your site listed in the first page of the search engines, your site will not get a lot of traffic. The first step to SEO is to submit your site to major search engines.

Submission to major search engines can be done manually or using websites offering submission services to automate it.

You can use the following links to submit your sites.

Manual Submission:
You can submit manually by doing some searches in Google, Yahoo, MSN, AltaVista and so on.
For manual submission to:

Automated submissions:
The free services that I use is called SubmitExpress. The website offer free services to submit your site to a lot of serach engines directories. If you are interested, you can use the link below:

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