Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Improve Technorati Rank (Part 1)

Technorati is a well known website as the Search Engines for blogs. Technorati has indexed over 75 million blogs as of April 2007. Technorati provides real-time search for user-generated media(Include Blogs) by tag or keyword. In addition, Technorati also provides popularity ranking for blogs using the special feature called "Authority". The higher the "Authority" of your blog the more popular your blog is.

The Ways To Improve Technorati Ranking (Authority):

1. Getting A lot of Backlinks To your Blog
This is not hard to do. You can go to forums and ask for link exchange can help you get more backlinks. Why I said it is simple? It is because when you ask for links exchange, people will be very kind to link exchange with you. If you don't trust me, you can try to ask for link exchange at forums. You will be amazed that a lot of people are willing to link exchange with you.

2. Ask for "Favourite" at Technorati
Another way is that you can go to find for blogs that have the same topics with your blog then add them as your favourite. After doing so, you need to pay a visit to the blogs you favourite in Technorati. Then, go to "Comments" to tell the author that you add them to your favourite and ask them to visit your blog to add your blog to their favourite.

Ask the kindly and please make it polite and kind. People don't like rude request. Bear in mind that other readers of the blog will be able to see your comments, if you do it rude, the you might face problem.

3. Create a lot of contents
Technorati is like other search engines. It also like fresh and new contents.The more contents you create, the higher chances your blog will get higher ranking in Technorati.

Improve Technorati Rank (Part 2)
Improve Technorati Rank (Part 3)

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