Wednesday, July 11, 2007

My Earnings Report

My AdSense Earnings are getting on the right track. I started using AdSense on my blog 2 years ago. At first, I hardly made even a cents from Google AdSense per day. It was a hard start.

After trying very hard for 2 years, reading for others experience and testing AdSense on my blog for the best effect, now I finally can enjoy steady revenue everyday from Google AdSense. I finally get the best AdSense optimization on my blog, and it makes all the difference.

The Journey in AdSense For 2 Years:
1 st year :I made my first $100.00.
2nd year :This is a start of 2nd year, I make more than $150.00 in 2 months time.

The 2nd year is a great start for me. The AdSense earnings is more than my total earnings in 1st year and it is accumulated in 2 months time. I'm very happy with it.

Below is a simple report of my AdSense earnings:
Highest Earning Per Day: $11.19
Average Earning Per Day: $3.00

The total earnings I make from Google AdSense: Around $250.00.

I hope I can reach $300.00 soon.

Why I work so hard to earn from Google AdSense?
The reason I work so hard to earn from Google AdSense is because I want to make more money from my blog and use the money to pay for my internet bills.

Another reason is that, I want to buy new mobile phone for myself. I aim to get Nokia N95. Since my total earnings still not anyway near to N95 in the moment, I will work even harder and earn more from Google AdSense and get Nokia N95 soon.

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