Thursday, July 19, 2007

Search Engines Optimization (Part 2)

My blog is found at the first page of Google search and it is the top 3. This is great.You can try to search of "earn money from blog" in Google and you will find my blog at the 3rd place.

The previous post of Search Engines Optimization (Part 1), I talked about submission to search engines. This post will will about "feeding" the search engines.

How To Feed the Search Engines?

Feed the search engines do not mean that you use FeedBuner, FeedBlitz or other RSS Feed services. Feed here means that you create new contents and original contents everyday. This is because search engines like contents very much and search engines like frequently updated sites. So, please do it as often as possible.

Creating Contents:
Creating contents is a tough thing to do everyday especially when you are out of ideas. Personally, I also face this problem to create new contents everyday. The way I use is to think for a keyword and then use mind mapping.

Mind mapping help a lot to create contents. It is very useful. So, when you are out of ideas, you can use mind mapping too.

Create a lot of contents to your blog with 100 posts for a start. Then, set a higher target to achieve. For example, you can set 500 posts or 1000 posts to achieve. With a lot of posts, it will not be hard to get to the top of the search engines.

Check the top blogs at the links below, all of the blogs are optimized with a lot of posts.

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