Wednesday, July 11, 2007

How to increase StumbleUpon traffic?

The amount of traffic I receive daily is around 50 to 60 and I hope it will continue to improve. Thus, I tried a social bookmarking site that is very popular. It is called StumbleUpon.

What is StumbleUpon?
StumbleUpon is a social bookmarking websites like Digg and Digg and are an excellent method of gaining large quantities of traffic in a short space of time. The concept used by StumbleUpon is different fromDigg and StumbleUpon has over a million users from around the world. Using StumbleUpon help me drive consistent traffic everyday whereas sites like Digg, I can get a lot of traffic if the stories submitted become the top or promoted stories at the frontpage of Digg.

How does StumbleUpon work?
StumbleUpon works by downloading a toolbar which allows you to rate a website as thumbs up or down. By clicking Stumble!, the toolbar will automatically show a website according to your preferences.

StumbleUpon Toolbar
StumbleUpon toolbar
In order to receive traffic from StumbleUpon, you need to submit at least 1 of your webpages. You can it by clicking the "I like it!" button in the toolbar and add your webapge to StumbleUpon.

How to increase StumbleUpon traffic?
Several ways I used to get traffic from StumbleUpon:

  • Rating other websites
    Try to search for websites that have similar topics like your website and rate them. Then, leave comments or message to the users you have rated. This way other users might give your site athumbs up! too.

  • Adding more friends
    Adding more friends means that more people can see your newly added pages. If you add your own site, then

  • Submit new webpages
    Submit your posts URL to StumbleUpon using the toolbar. You can promote your onw pages but don't overdo it. This way can help you to increase the backlinks to your posts and thus can increase your PR. With more links at StumbleUpon, you will be able to improve your post visibility and get more traffic.

  • Choosing topics and titles
    Choose your titles and topics properly and this is important to help others find your URL. This will lead to more traffic.

  • Using multiple tags
    Using multiple tags can help you to target wider range of users. Thus help you get even more traffic from StumbleUpon!

**Please click the button below if you like this post. Click to rate it!
StumbleUpon Toolbar Stumble It!

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