Friday, May 2, 2008

Daytipper: Tell the World Your Tips and Make USD$1.00 for Your Every tips

I found an interesting site called Daytipper. Daytipper offers free service and members can submit as many tips as possible to Daytipper everyday.

If you are a member of Daytipper, you can submit some daily tips and tricks that you know to Daytipper. Once the tip you submit is approved, you will directly get USD$1.00 for the tip approved. If 10 of you tips are approved, then you will get USD$10.00 to your PayPal account.

I had submitted 2 tips to Daytipper and still waiting for approval. You can try to submit your tips and make money.

Don't Just Tell Your Tips to Someone, Tel it To Everyone. If you have very good ideas or tips to share, then join Daytipper to make some money from your tips and ideas. If you are already a member of Daytipper and already make money from it, please share it using "Comments" to share your success stories using Daytipper. Match Your Blog with Advertisers that Pays You in Pound Sterling to place Ads on Your Blog.

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