Wednesday, April 20, 2011

8 wins in a simple site SEO

Easy, is not always easy

Early Warning - this is easy for one person or a platform is not so easy for others. Changes in this place (title tag, for example) can be difficult, but they are generally much simpler than a complete redesign or modify the new platform. One of the areas I mentioned in this list is to improve its URL. Although this tactic may be strong, I have many people who want relatively small changes in the SEO URL. Changes in the URL of the page are risky and often difficult to fix - not worth it to go well until something better. The changes I have proposed is generally low.

1. Internal canonize duplicates

Although there is no Double Jeopardy content (with a capital P), can have serious consequences for leaving a free hand indexed pages, especially in the post-panda. Google often can not meet to select the appropriate version of the local authorities with the party down and can index your site and the final dilution pushed more and more important pages (such as product pages). There are three types of internal duplication, in my experience: a double session variables and parameters of 2-up. Search for duplicate and duplicate filter caused by third alternate URL paths to the same page

If the spiders to search for a new URL to display the same content (if the address is static or dynamic), they see a new page. It 'important that these sacred sites. If the copies are made the same day or the Canon 301-redirect is often the best choice. In some cases, such as detailed research or the pagination in the filter is more complicated.

2. Original title tag

Title Tag is still a powerful factor in the standings, and is often neglected or abused. Parties wishing to title tags and extremely Ranking, descriptive keywords, pure and simple. You can easily double page title track SEO PRO head of campaigns, including historical data: the results of several places, including the marketing and operation of the diagnostic panel, guide available. 

You can also exact replicas in Google Webmaster Tools. The program is free to find a diagnosis, suggestions for HTML. The solution is simple: to write original titles. If you have a large site, there are many ways to label the title of systematic data to finish. Write code to solve your problem.

3. Write a description of the original target

While the meta description tag has little or no direct impact on the classification of these days, has two important indirect effects: a (usually) a test report and to determine the incidence rate (CTR). 2. There is a factor that looks at the pages of value. Again, there are many opportunities to describe meta-data, including the manufacture of the product only fragments. Load test descriptions are useful and interesting for tourists, not only returns a pseudo-keywords.

4. Reduce the title tag

Long title tags have a tendency to weaken the impact of SEO for a given keyword, and visitors can turn off the search (which tends to steal the result). The most common reason I see is when someone creates their way home in a few others. To say that the title of your homepage:

Bacon's best since 1983 | Grange Bob Bacon

Then, for each product page, you can do something like this:,

50 pounds of mega-sac Bacon | Bacon's best since 1983 | Bob Bacon Barn;

It is no exaggeration, you're diluting the first (and largest) of keywords on the page, and every page of your site to compete unnecessarily. It 's a good company name (or diminutive, like Bob Bacon;) at the end of each use of the title tag, but not repeat core keywords. I've seen a lot of time in which the names of products, categories and subcategories to consider.

5. Re-tag for the title

For more e-commerce sites, it is customary list of categories and subcategories of information in title tags. And 'good at this point, but I often see that some of the configuration is as follows:

“Bob’s Bacon | Bulk Products | Bacon Sacks | 50-pound Mega-sack of Bacon”

Not only that each title tag in the soil are very similar, but the most important keywords, and easily moved the original page. In practice, usability studies also showed that some words in the title or the title of the most critical (perhaps only the first two). After the return of property, as follows:

“50-pound Mega-sack of Bacon | Bacon Sacks | Bulk Products | Bob’s Bacon”

It 's relatively easy to change, and also draw attention to important words to which they belong. It 's very likely that the search for the CTR.

6. Direct links to add products

In some places, 100 or 1000 pages, hunting, architecture is not possible or desirable. Then, of course, I ended up hierarchical approach in which the products 3 + below. I think it's often helpful to clear the tracks and guests, but can leave the critical side, very little power. One solution is to remove some of the best selling at home and abroad - the IT architecture really flat and pay link juice, where it is needed. Not far away, but we recommend products or the top 10 sellers list on the home page can really help the parties is very important.

7. Rewrite of the internal anchor text

I am amazed at how many times I have internal links and the main waterways, because the label mysterious, vague, jargon, or see. If you want to see your page in the classroom, children, class, and not the text on the button (K-12) Clothing - a bad sign for the search engines and probably not important for the visitors. Your anchor text should reflect the internal strategy of keywords and their search strategy should be made to think. Use labels to understand people and not afraid to be accurate.

8. Withdrawal of 10 low-value links

There is an old saying in the text - for example, what to say a few words if necessary and possible, and then finally say that many words in between. I think the same is true for internal links. If the majority of incoming calls to come to the home page, then the architecture of the site is an important factor in the juice that flows from deep links. And 'quite natural that all the songs, but if your priorities are all different. Find 10 links to your site a low priority for research and visitors (click on the mapping tool, such as Crazy Egg is a good way to test it) and delete them. link juice focus what remains is a simple way to increase your most important pages.

I regret that not all the advice you need an easy win in hand to listen. I also recommend that the Council contribute to the construction of well-optimized page. Strengthening the link or it is necessary to ensure problems are often much simpler and can have a direct impact, it is important that the fight against ignore SEO.

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