Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Obama on Facebook, we want to start making cold science;

President Barack Obama and Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook headquarters conference room sat the city was broadcast live on the Internet. Through Facebook and Live Stream Live questions Obama Zuckerberg, quantity and participants across the network. Even if Obama is sitting on the stage, the best Web 2.0 companies, not to talk too much about this technology. The questions included the public debt, budget, economic recovery, Dream Act, (the development of sculpture and education for migrant children), immigration, Medicare and Medicaid and education. Because if you stop the campaign seems to have more voice chat with one of the leading Internet, Obama is for his re-election in 2012.

technological issues that have affected Obama, are the need for more engineers and programmers, which makes the government, the educational structure, changes in education, science and mathematics to emphasize the clean energy and the convergence of health services and technology.

Not for the first time Obama Techland. In February, he met with leaders in the field of technology and ate the most influential people in the United States. Not for the first time in the giant market of technology for Obama tout education as good as he did when he visited in February, Intel about the need for more engineers in the world to confirm this. Since his last State of the Union address, in which an important part of his speech on the need to earn a point, Obama has given the leaders of the national irrigation industries drag-to-point.

We are in Silicon Valley, we are talking about things, Obama said at one point. , Will try to do what I know, I say. Obama joked that it is not technically expert, but may have a majority of U.S. presidents, including current and future technologies in the United States has agreed to new entrants and the state of ecosystems in the world. For Obama, beginning with education. I break people great power comes even, or perhaps the next great growth of the Internet is great, as they thought that the launch of the moon feel;; Obama said. Yes, to remain competitive in the future, so that investment in education is so important.

The president welcomed the Charity Zuckerberg and Bill Gates for the job they are doing in promoting education in science and technology. , The government can not require a cultural change that face and tell me what the important things, ;Obama said. , For his work, Mark is an important philanthropic work of the Gates Foundation investments in best practices in education doing [is] very important. We must raise our game This is an important asset that I hope that as president of the United States to leave. Obama spoke of the cultural changes in American education, the kind of people, led by the United States in the development of building technologies.

Why emphasize math and science, if we persist in mathematics and science for girls, if they say that blacks and Hispanic children receive math and science. We need to do more education, STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) and one of the reasons is that we are one of the first science fair in the White House in a very long time [was] only because we want from the law.

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